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In the face of this futility and fuckery, Art doesn't seem to stand much of a chance..

by sven waldhor April 07, 2017 0 Comments


This world can be such a beautiful place, and we hope we can somehow add to the beauty with our art and madness, and we live in this happy privileged bubble of beauty and dance and music that we've managed to create....
Then we look at our newsfeeds and there are bombs raining down, children are still hungry, walls are being built, and lungs are gasping for their last breath...

In the face of this futility and fuckery, Art doesn't seem to stand much of a chance..
So what can we do?
We thought last year that contributing to the Bernie Sanders campaign was a glimmer of hope, then that went the way of the despot, and now here we are on the brink once again...or still...

We do still have small powers, to vote with our dollars wherever we can, to mostly choose what we put inside our bodies, and what we feed and teach our kids.

We are also choosing to pledge 5% of our profits moving forward to Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) because they have boots on the ground, and are actually making a difference where it's needed.
We started with $111
It's the least we can do from this place of privilege.

check them out here:


sven waldhor
sven waldhor
